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Exercise is Medicine

You may have heard the term that sitting is the new smoking. Our current society spends a lot more time sitting than we used to, which has led to increasing chances of cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and pain. The solution to this problem is movement.

In addition to reducing risk of disease, there is lots of research that suggests that cardiovascular exercise is necessary for pain management and for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, vestibular and balance issues and for recovering from surgery. Cardiovascular exercise can take many forms including walking, biking, swimming, aquafit, exercise classes, hiking, running, paddleboarding, and kayaking.

Although rest, recovery, and preventing injury recurrence are also essential, a licensed physiotherapist can guide you on safely incorporating movement into your recovery. Our physiotherapists break down movements in your daily life, work, and sport to find out what is not working optimally. We help clients regain their mobility through a holistic, whole-body approach. For example, if you have knee pain or arthritis, we will look at the mechanics of your pelvis, lower back, hip and ankle to see what might be contributing to dysfunction in the system. We assess and restore movement patterns so that our clients have optimal mechanics to keep moving and exercising.

Active Balance Physiotherapy Exercise is Medicine